# Copyright (C) 2017 Alban Gruin # # celcatsanitizer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # celcatsanitizer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with celcatsanitizer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed from django.db.models import Count, Max from django.db.models.functions import ExtractWeek, ExtractYear from django.template import loader from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed, SyndicationFeed from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone_name from icalendar import Calendar, Event from .models import Course, Group from .templatetags.rooms import format_rooms from .utils import get_current_or_next_week, get_week, group_courses ICAL_NAMES = ["uid", "summary", "description", "location", "start", "dtstart", "dtend", "dtstamp", "categories"] class IcalFeedGenerator(SyndicationFeed): content_type = "text/calendar; charset=utf-8" def write(self, outfile, encoding): calendar = Calendar() calendar.add("prodid", "-//celcatsanitizer//NONSGML v1.0//EN") calendar.add("version", "2.0") calendar.add("calscale", "GREGORIAN") calendar.add("method", "PUBLISH") calendar.add("x-wr-timezone", get_current_timezone_name()) calendar.add("x-wr-calname", self.feed["title"]) calendar.add("x-wr-caldesc", self.feed["title"]) self.write_events(calendar) outfile.write(calendar.to_ical()) def write_events(self, calendar): for item in self.items: event = Event() for key in ICAL_NAMES: if item.get(key) is not None: event.add(key, item[key]) calendar.add_component(event) class IcalFeed(Feed): feed_type = IcalFeedGenerator link = "" def get_object(self, request, year_slug, timetable_slug, group_slug): try: group = Group.objects.get(timetable__year__slug=year_slug, timetable__slug=timetable_slug, slug=group_slug) except: raise ObjectDoesNotExist else: return group def item_categories(self, item): return (item.type,) def item_description(self, item): return item.notes def item_link(self, item): return "" def item_summary(self, item): if item.type is not None: return item.name + " (" + item.type + ")" return item.name def items(self, obj): return Course.objects.get_courses_for_group(obj) def item_extra_kwargs(self, item): return {"uid": "{0}@celcatsanitizer".format(item.id), "dtstart": item.begin, "dtend": item.end, "dtstamp": item.last_update, "summary": self.item_summary(item), "location": format_rooms(item.rooms.all())} def title(self, obj): return "Emploi du temps du groupe {0}".format(obj) class IcalOnlyOneFeed(IcalFeed): def items(self, obj): return Course.objects.filter(groups=obj).order_by("begin") class RSSFeed(Feed): def get_object(self, request, year_slug, timetable_slug, group_slug): year, week = get_current_or_next_week() _, end = get_week(year, week) try: group = Group.objects.get(timetable__year__slug=year_slug, timetable__slug=timetable_slug, slug=group_slug) except: raise ObjectDoesNotExist else: updates = Course.objects.get_courses_for_group(group, begin__lt=end) \ .annotate(year=ExtractYear("begin"), week=ExtractWeek("begin")) \ .values("year", "week") \ .annotate(Count("year", distinct=True), Max("last_update")) \ .order_by("-year", "-week")[:5] return group, updates def link(self, obj): group = obj[0] link = reverse("timetable", kwargs={"year_slug": group.timetable.year.slug, "timetable_slug": group.timetable.slug, "group_slug": group.slug}) return link def title(self, obj): return "Emploi du temps du groupe {0}".format(obj[0]) def item_link(self, item): group = item["group"] return reverse("timetable", kwargs={"year_slug": group.timetable.year.slug, "timetable_slug": group.timetable.slug, "group_slug": group.slug, "year": item["year"], "week": item["week"]}) def item_description(self, item): return item["description"] def item_title(self, item): return "{0}, semaine {1} de {2}".format(item["group"], item["week"], item["year"]) def item_updateddate(self, item): return item["last_update__max"] def items(self, obj): template = loader.get_template("timetable_common.html") group = obj[0] for update in obj[1]: start, end = get_week(update["year"], update["week"]) courses = Course.objects.get_courses_for_group(group, begin__gte=start, begin__lt=end) context = {"group": group, "courses": group_courses(courses), "last_update": update["last_update__max"], "year": update["year"], "week": update["week"]} update["group"] = group update["description"] = template.render(context) return obj[1] class AtomFeed(RSSFeed): author_name = settings.ADMINS[0][0] author_email = settings.ADMINS[0][1] feed_type = Atom1Feed