{% load rooms %} {% for day in courses %} <section> <h3>{% filter title %}{{ day.0.begin|date:"l j F o" }}{% endfilter %} – de {{ day.0.begin|date:"H:i" }} à {% with day|last as last %}{{ last.end|date:"H:i" }}{% endwith %}</h3> <ul>{% for course in day %} <li class="course"> <b>{{ course }}</b>{% if course.type %} ({{ course.type }}){% endif %}, de {{ course.begin|date:"H:i" }} à {{ course.end|date:"H:i" }}{% if group_mode and course.rooms.all|length > 0 or not group_mode and course.groups.all|length > 0 %}<br /> <em>{% if group_mode %}{{ course.rooms.all|format_rooms }}{% else %}{{ course.groups.all|join:", " }}{% endif %}</em>{% endif %}{% if course.notes %}<br /> <small>Remarques : {{ course.notes|linebreaksbr }}</small>{% endif %} </li>{% endfor %} </ul> </section>{% empty %} <p>Aucun cours cette semaine.</p>{% endfor %}