µCS: micro celcatsanitizer The celcat instance of the Toulouse III -- Paul Sabatier is broken again, but I don't want to maintain celcatsanitizer again (mostly because I don't have the time). So, here is µCS. It parses json pages, and dumps an ICS. All of this in real time. No databases involved. Unlike the full celcatsanitizer, which is written in Python/Django, µCS is written in OCaml. This is because it is very fast, unlike Python. (And I wanted to do something with OCaml anyway.) But, like the full celcatsanitizer, it is licenced under the Affero GPL 3. Because you should never forget your roots. If you have any issue, follow this checklist: 1. If you're using google calendar to read ICS files, I don't want to hear about your problem. This service is braindamaged when it comes to interoperating with established standards. 2. Shoot me an email to alban [plus] cs [at] pa1ch [dot] fr. Replace the [plus], [at], and [dot] with the corresponding symbol.